Our call to worship God comes from our very existence. See below for opportunities to serve on our worship team.
Greeters- The first welcoming face every individual who enters St. Thomas more sees. They make people feel welcome and known.
Altar Servers- Assist the priest throughout Mass at various parts.
Readers- Proclaim the Word of God at daily and Sunday Masses. Ushers- Ensure the smooth operation of Mass including the collection and communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion- Assisting the priest in the distribution of communion. Sacristan- Behind the scenes, makes sure everything is all set for Mass. Church Décor- Ensures smooth transition between liturgical seasons.
Linen Care- If you love to iron, keep our altar clothes looking pristine.
Funeral Prayer Leaders- Pray with grieving families the night before their loved one's funeral.
Sanctuary Cleaning- Keep our worship space looking great.