The Mission of St. Thomas More Catholic Church is to know, love, and serve Jesus. We have many different ways that we serve Jesus.
Respect for Life- Puts on Pro-Life activities.
St. Vincent de Paul- Helps those in times of need.
Welcoming Committee- Ensure that new parishioners are well taken care of.
Thanksgiving gift cards- Collects giftcards to disperse near Thanksgiving. Christmas Giving Tree- Works with local charities to obtain dontations for those in need.
Justice and Peace- Puts on events releveant to the topics of social justice and peace Homebound Ministry- Visits our parisioners who no longer are able to make it to Mass. Knights of Columbus- A group of men dedicated to the service of others.
Intercessory Prayer Group- Prays for the intentions of our parishioners.
Card Ministry- Makes cards to send to those of our parish that have just entered, gone through a funeral, had their children baptized, etc...